An afternoon of crafting and fun. Bring your latest knitting, crochet, rug hooking, embroidery, or any other crafts project. Everyone and every level welcome!
An afternoon of crafting and fun. Bring your latest knitting, crochet, rug hooking, embroidery, or any other crafts project. Everyone and every level welcome!
An afternoon of crafting and fun. Bring your latest knitting, crochet, rug hooking, embroidery, or any other crafts project. Everyone and every level welcome!
An afternoon of crafting and fun. Bring your latest knitting, crochet, rug hooking, embroidery, or any other crafts project. Everyone and every level welcome!
Hover your mouse over the event name in the calendar page, which will cause an information box to appear. In the information box, click on the “See More Details” link, which will open a Google Calendar entry page. In that page, click on the “More Actions” drop-down arrow, and then click on the “Copy to Your-Name” menu item. Finally, click on the red “Save” button, and the event will be saved in your own Google Calendar.
Enhancing our Community through Learning, Leisure and Literacy