Adult Fiction: novels, classics and bestsellers, including mysteries, romances, science fiction, and westerns. Entire young adult section.
Children’s Books: Picture and chapter books for young readers.
Non-fiction: books on current issues for adults, young adults and children. Reference material, including encyclopedias, telephone directories, annual reports, college calendars, and genealogical records, are available for use within the Library.
Magazines: current and back issues of both adult and children’s magazines may be borrowed.
Audio-visual: movies on DVD may be borrowed by patrons. The Library subscribes to a DVD Pool that provides a new collection of titles every 3 months. The Library’s own collection of DVDs and audio books are also available.
Visually-handicapped: large print books and audio books.
Library cards must be presented when borrowing and renewing books. Borrowing period is 3 weeks.
Overdue material is subject to a fine of 20¢ per day per item.